Wednesday 12 September 2007

Freedom Now!

Freedom Ringing in My Ears!

Every day since I first met my spiritual teachers, I hear their sage advice ringing in my ears:

"Your natural state is one of happiness, health and abundance!"

"You must be free to do anything you want. You must be free to be anything you want."

"How long does it take to become what we have always been?" "How long does it take to be what we have never not been?"

Boy, it all sounds great! Pie in the sky, unrealistic, unachievable ... but real cool sounding!

Living Free

My teachers' views did feel attractive to me. But, at the time, I had only a vague concept of what they were suggesting. Yet I did take in the spirit and energy of the wisdom they were sharing. I know now that being in their presence, I was absorbing their vibration of Living Free.

My wise friends spoke to me about being "sovereign." They all implored me to "never work for money." As one teacher, Michio Kushi, expresses it: "Never do anything you don't want to do to obtain money. If you work for money, you are no better than a slave!"

They all emphasize the joy of being an independent individual. They teach that everyone is equally capable of being free, intuitive and creative.

Truth Becomes My Reality

My teachers' words had a strong and penetrating effect on me because I knew in my heart their words spoke of a possible reality. Yet I didn't have a clue how to live this truth in my life. At the time, I couldn't imagine how a person could have money without working at a job, or be in a loving relationship without feeling dependant on that person.

Since then, I've learned to attract the financial support of the universe by aligning my professional path with my soul passion and purpose. And I've found the personal connection to Spirit that allows me to love other people freely without co-dependent ties.

Freedom Feng-Shui

"Freedom Feng-Shui" is my name for the art of consciously guiding the free flow of energy and events in your life.

Your natural state of personal freedom is attainable. With a deep willingness and ample creativity, you too can fly the wide open skies of sovereignty.

When you Live Free, you:

  1. Receive from life fully.

You make a radical break with the past to look at yourself and your world with fresh eyes. You drop self-limiting definitions to uncover the unique talents hidden behind your old self-image. You let go of being a victim of fate, destiny, karma, social conditioning or even your own life plan. No matter what decisions or personal laws you've committed to in the past, you decide to re-draw your life blueprint in the present. You give up old routines and habits of thinking, perceiving and responding to life that no longer serve you. When you're free to choose intuitively how to live your life, prosperity flows automatically with no effort or doingness. You open the door to more magic, meaning and money in your world.

  1. Give to life fully.

You can't give to others what you don't possess. As you open to receiving abundance, wisdom, power and real love, you're then able to share these treasures with the world. You re-seed your world with a renewed sense of peace, well-being and wholeness.

  1. Enjoy life fully.

When you're released of social programming, you're able to focus on what you can control in life�your vision, attitude and approach. Set free emotionally, you're free to use the magic of humor, laughter, play and spontaneity in your daily interactions with people. You're able to attract increased vitality, originality�and fun!

  1. Respond to life fully.

To stay emancipated you must become more capable of handling life's constant fluctuations and changes. The current social environment of accelerating evolution is not a temporary aberration. We aren't going to return to a sane, stable world any time soon. It's smart to accept that change is natural and normal, and will play a significant role in your life for some time to come. As indigenous peoples put it, we must free ourselves to be "Change Masters." Change Masters not only welcome, invite and celebrate the flux of ever-evolving life, but also consciously drive and direct these rhythms. Free of the tribal "laws," you learn to adapt the world to you, rather than you adapting to the world. With emotional and social freedom, you can steer change to your advantage. You can accurately predict, manage and even enjoy the gyrations of this wacko world.

  1. Heal your life fully.

When you liberate yourself from psychological restraints, you can assume command of the unlimited natural vital flow within yourself. You then get enough personal power to fund your own dream and have plenty of energy left over for family, friends�and fun! You realize that the body/mind/spirit is designed to heal itself and feel good. You allow the Inner Healer to work its magic to align and purify your being. You're free to unite with the Vital Force Field of the universe in order to bring harmony and balance into all aspects of your world. Sickness, accidents and crises become a thing of the past.

  1. Create in life fully.

As you break free of the traditions of mass consciousness, you can transform out-dated practices and paradigms. You awaken to fresh choices, options and solutions you never saw before. You crack the molds inherited from your parents. You're able to self-facilitate your own personal evolution. You open the door to find the easiest, most practical, and doable way to deal with any situation.

  1. Express your life fully.

With emotional freedom, you can create your life as a joyous, spontaneous, fresh adventure of authentic self-expression. You discover who you really are�instead of living who you think you are. You find out what you're really here to experience, explore and embrace this lifetime�rather than follow the path your family or society has planned for you. You decide to express your true passion and discover how to get paid well doing it!

Powerful Techniques For Overcoming Procrastination

much better would you life be if you could take the actions that you
know would make you successful? Would things be different if you had
a way to overcome procrastination? For most, the quality of their
life increases substantially when they are able to do what they know
how to do. It is interesting to note, that the majority of
individuals have an idea of what it takes to be a success in any
area. However, the failure to act is what stops these people from
attaining the level that they desire.

in any area of life requires action. Power has been described as
"the ability to act". When one is unable to act in specific
situations, powerless has set in. Procrastination promotes this
result. This single habit destroys more careers, marriages, and
self-esteem than any other single trait. In its' infancy, it is a
minor irritation. However, when it is allowed to grow deep into our
psyche, procrastination has the capability of totally paralyzing one
from acting. It subtly becomes a bigger motivator (or demotivator)
in our decision making. The words "later" and "tomorrow" are
the default mindset.

is driven by two factors: laziness and fear. Often, when we have
something that is rather quick and not difficult to do, we still put
it off. These situations are driven by laziness, We simply do not
feel like doing that activity at the moment. A "Just Do It"
attitude helps in overcoming this. At the same time, there are
things that we put off doing because we fear the results that we will
receive. Our projections are negative which cause us to avoid
acting. We believe that perhaps if we wait, things will pass by. Of
course, this only compounds the issue. Time acts to magnify the
circumstances. In these instances, we will act when the fear of the
consequence of not doing it is greater than the fear associated with
doing it.

procrastination list is a valuable tool in challenging the habit of
procrastination. Regardless of the motivator, it enable us to take
action in an orderly manner. A great deal of a procrastinator's
problem is in their thinking. By using this list. much of the
thought process is removed. We set down all that we are putting off
on paper as they come to mind. The order is set without any
pre-qualification. Everything is listed regardless of the size of
the task. If it is being put off, it is written down.

the list is completed, the tasks are handled one-by-one in the
sequence listed. There is no jumping around. If it is next on the
list, that is what is focused upon. The process of thinking is
removed entirely from the equation. Also, it is vitally important to
concentrate on one activity until it is fully completed before moving
onto something else. Procrastinator's tend to bail out when things
get a little difficult. Resist this temptation while finishing the
task at hand.

other technique that is really effective against procrastination is
the procrastination partner. This is someone who you decide you will
be accountable to for helping with your list. We seem to be able to
take action when we have someone else that we are answering to. This
is an ideal way to set up those parameters for yourself.

this resource, we find someone who we can put trust in to have the
gumption to honestly push us. If you find someone who will let you
be lax, it will not work. Upon sitting with this person, we show
them our procrastination list. A schedule is set down as to what
actions we will take and when. Regular interaction is required to
monitor the progress and report the results. Sometimes people will
each establish a list and help each other work on it. The more you
can involve the other person in motivating you, the better. It is
similar to having a workout partner. The accountability is often
enough to get us to act.

thinking is what creates the thoughts to put something off. When we
remove that process or we are working with someone else who does not
carry that same idea, the fear that we conjured up loses its power.
This is the starting point to regaining our personal power. Our
success increases immediately when we are able to take the proper
action. The ability to act is a quality that the highest achievers

Motivation And Belief

Strange as it seems, millions of us believe we are not in control of our actions and emotions. Whole political systems have been developed, based on this false notion that we can't decide in our own best interest, so we need politicians to decide for us, with seat belt laws, trans-fat laws, etc. This article isn't about politics, but about discovering what really motivates our decisions and how to use that to make better decisions...ones we really want. If you've ever wondered why you did something or if you suffer from addiction, anxiety, eating disorders or any number of dysfunctions, read on...this article is for you.

You Make Me Angry! How many times have we said something like "he makes me mad," to place the blame for our emotions on someone else? Who knows...right now you may be thinking of times you've done this recently. Let me ask you a question! If someone is such a jerk as to anger you, why would you want them in control of how you feel? You don't? Good...because they aren' are. When we believe other people "make" us feel a certain way, we're giving them control over our emotions.

If I can control your emotions, I can control a lot of your decisions and actions. We all know this to be true. The squeaky wheel gets the most grease because the squeaking gives us emotional pain. Kids are expert at this! Here's an example that proves you control your own emotions: know...all those gifts and compliments and fancy dinners? You also know that getting that kind of attention from someone you don't have romantic feelings for is called...stalking. No, your fianc� didn't make you feel complete; you did that because you were getting romantic attention from someone you had romantic desires for. By the way, this also means it's impossible to "fall" in or out of love. We decide to have those feelings and we decide when we don't, no matter how convenient it is to think otherwise.

I Just Couldn't Help It! As much as we control our emotions, we control our actions more. "I couldn't stop myself" may work for a child, but part of being grown up is being in control of ourselves, or at least being progressively more in control as the years go on. Imagine a grown man trying to buy food in a clothing store. Upon hearing they have no food, he throws himself on the floor and starts crying and screaming demands for food. Every action is a decision. Of course we can keep from doing harmful things, if we decide to.

I remember resenting the people around me who said, "When you want to quit smoking, you'll be able to." For years, I thought I was controlled by the cigarettes. Guess what! When I wanted to, I quit, in Oct 1989, and haven't had a cigarette since. It isn't that I'm unsympathetic to all those suffering addiction...just the opposite! I've been addicted to booze, drugs, sex, food, etc. I care so much for your recovery that I'm willing to tell you the can get better if you want. The addiction does not control control you.

I Can't Do It Because (insert lie here): Ever had someone tell you, "I don't have time to see you?" That's a lie that's become acceptable, even necessary in our culture because the truth is insulting. The truth is, "You're not important enough in my life for me to spend time with you." These kinds of lies limit our ability to accomplish things. I remember all the time I was growing up, hearing the adults say there was no more opportunity, things were so much better before, 'the man was keeping us poor', etc. You know...excuses for why they didn't pursue their dreams. People actually repeat such things in front of their kids and then wonder why the kids aren't interested in trying in school or in life.

I remember giving up on several dreams I had as a kid because people had convinced me it was impossible. Now, when I hear my generation spouting the same garbage in front of kids, I make it a point to show them (and the kids) where they're wrong, making me very popular at family gatherings. Sure, you want kids to be prepared for the bad things in life, but the message far too many of them are getting is that life is a bad thing. Just because we bought into the lie our parents used as an excuse for not trying doesn't mean we have to perpetuate that lie any longer in our lives or in our children. Nothing is easy, but if it's good, and honest and something you've dreamed of doing, you can do it, if you accept no excuses.

How Our Beliefs Influence Our Actions: We've hinted around this idea of belief in every paragraph above. Now, let's approach it directly. If you believed the terrorists had planted a bomb where you work and it would be detonated some time during your shift tomorrow, killing everyone, would you be at work tomorrow? If you believed there was no bomb, but that some time tomorrow your boss would be giving you a $1,000,000 bonus if he finds you there, working, would you allow anything to keep you from work? This law of belief and motivation drives our every decision and action, from the emotions we feel, to the drugs we take, to the dreams we try to achieve, even the way we approach our jobs and families.

About 3,000 years ago, a guy named Solomon wrote, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." Anton Chekhov abbreviated it to, "Man is what he believes." The fact is, there is no way to separate us from our beliefs...we are bound to follow them. Just as the anorexic believes she's fat and starves herself to death and the IV drug addict believes he needs the substance enough to kill for it, all our actions and emotions are driven by our beliefs.

This unbreakable link between beliefs, emotions and actions makes us feel like someone else is in control, but it gives us a powerful tool to exercise our own control and motivate our actions. So many of our beliefs were given us while we weren't looking, by people who didn't know they were wrong and had no idea how they were influencing us. To regain control, we must skeptically examine the beliefs that motivate our undesirable feelings and actions, to determine which beliefs are incorrect and destructive. We must also pour into our minds any and all new beliefs and facts that will motivate positive and productive actions and emotions. You can use my Human Behavior BAR Cycle article for more detail on how to alter your beliefs to change your actions.

What I'm suggesting, I've been doing for over 20 years. It's very difficult and very rewarding work. It's a root solution to almost all the modern dysfunctions. When considering whether the work is worthwhile, ask yourself, "Do I want to miss my $ 1,000,000 bonus because I thought someone planted a bomb?"

Kickstart Your Life: 9 Simple Ways

  1. Give
    more than anyone asks or expects.

    Become a person who goes the extra mile in all that you do. Look
    at each situation and determine what extra you will provide. Give
    without expecting anything in return, including acknowledgment from

  1. Ease
    old saying "someday we will laugh about this" epitomizes how
    unimportant many things are in the grand scheme of things. Reduce
    the stress by remembering that everything will work out alright.
    Look at each situation as an opportunity to learn and grow while
    remembering to laugh.

  1. Master
    you habits.

    Your habits are either empowering or disempowering. Determine the
    habits that adversely affect you then begin the process of
    eliminating them.

  1. Examine
    your closest influences.

    We are all products of our environment. Everyone around us has
    input into our personalities, beliefs, and ideals. Make sure that
    those who are closest to you are assisting in moving you forward
    rather than prohibiting your progress.

  1. Entertain
    the child within.

    Remember to take time to do that which you love. Too often we get
    focused on the drive to move ahead that we forget to engage the
    child within. Recharge you batteries by spending regular time doing
    what you are passionate about.

  1. Resolve
    your unfinished business.

    Activities left unresolved have the ability to drain a great deal of
    energy out of us. Reclaim this energy by cleaning up all the old
    business and putting it to rest. Pay the old debts, discard old
    things, and tie up all other loose ends.

  1. Focus.
    rid of the sloppiness in life by placing extra focus upon all that
    you do. Develop the habit of doing one thing at a time until it is
    completed. Pay attention to the details that make a difference.

  1. Spend
    time creating your life.
    people allow circumstances to dictate the type of life they lead.
    Set aside each day to ponder what type of life that you want to
    live. Consider your dreams, traits that you want, and what you
    would like to contribute. Become proactive in the creation of your
    own life.

  1. Invest
    in the most valuable computer in the world-your mind.
    books and listen to cds that expand your knowledge base. Learn new
    skills that will enhance you financially, mentally, and physically.
    Garner and utilize the knowledge available to better your life.

in these areas repeatedly and you will notice the quality of your
life improving. By making small changes in many different areas, you
will notice a drastic change very quickly.

Do You Get Motivated Or Do You Get Defeated

Answering this question honestly is can
lead to the development of a success consciousness. Most times in
life, things simply do not go as we planned them to. Too often
people behave in ways that conflict with our desires. Life has a way
of unfavorable circumstances our way. How we handle these situations
is what catapults one into the success realm.

Are you one of those who allow
unenviable situations to get you down? Do you fall into depression
when you don't get your way? Get angry? Feel like crying? Well, it
is time to grow up. If you are one who continually allows these
circumstances to take hold of you, I can guarantee that you are
destined for a life of failure. Instead of getting down, the
successful get motivated.

Here is a great secret of life:
Everyone gets knocked around from time-to-time. No one gets
everything they want all the time. Let me repeat that. No one gets
everything they want all the time. Disappointment is shared among
each person on the planet. The difference is how we respond to that
disappointment. In fact, how we react in any situation is truly the
only thing that we have full control over.

There was a salesman that I was
working with who had a situation that arose that cost him a fair
amount of money. He wrote enough business to qualify for his bonus.
Due to a business owner being out of town, he was not able to get all
the paperwork done by the close of billing. However, he talked with
several managers who assured him the deal would be billed, thus
preserving his bonus. Well, someone failed to bill the deal and the
salesman lost his bonus. This was the latest in a long line of
struggles within this company.

Initially, the salesman thought of
quitting and going to another company. He knew that he had the
ability to land a job with any of a number of competitors in his
field. However, due to our working together, he was able to reason
it through. Instead of letting this get him dejected, he decided to
use this to motivate him. He went on to have one of his biggest
months with the company far surpassing the money that he lost the
previous month. This is an example of turning a "losing"
situation into a winning one.

Too often, we will not do things until
we are at the point of complete frustration. If you are presently
experiencing some major disappointment in any area of your life, then
get excited. This typically is a sign that a substantial
breakthrough is about to occur However, this is true only if one is
taking the action necessary to move forward. Focused action in the
"down" times is usually a proven method for turning things

Another factor worth mentioning is the
time lag that often occurs. When one begins to take action towards a
desired outcome, there will be a lag between when the action was
taken and the planned results. Perseverance is vital at this point.
A strong mental outlook will carry you through until the results
begin to appear.

Think of the successful athlete.
Often, they suffered a setback somewhere in their careers. Perhaps
they were cut from a team or they suffered an injury. These
situations were used as motivation to put in the effort to make
themselves better. Ultimately, they overcame the circumstances.
Implement this strategy in your life when things seem to be going
against you.

Get motivated and take focused action
in the direction of the goals that you most desire.

Deadlines: A Powerful Tool For Overcoming Procrastination

seems to be a companion for most of us. Given enough leeway, we will
put most anything off that we can. This is especially true for the
activities we deem difficult. It seems that human nature is to put
things off until the last moment and then rush to get them done. In
fact, there are many people who take tremendous pride in being able
to get things done just in the nick of time.

has a way of delivering deadlines. April 15th
is one that comes to mind. The bills that we have due each month all
have a payment due date. Projects at work must be completed by the
next meeting. And, of course, there is a time at which we must meet
the in-laws. Unfortunately, a missed deadline has a variety of
negative consequences. The pressure associated with this adds to the
chaotic state that we tend to operate in under this scenario. This
is when many of us experience overwhelm.

deadlines seem to be some of the best motivators. Regardless of the
pressure of the situation, people have a tendency to step up when
given a deadline. Basically, they get it done. Sometimes it is a
"fly of the cuff' at the last possible minute or it can be a
larger project broken down into time segments to meet it. Either
way, they motivate us to get busy taking action.

can we use this to our advantage without adding to the stress in our
lives? The answer is to impose our own deadlines. When we set the
timeframe, we thus dictate the pace at which we operate. This gives
us control over the situation while relieving the pressure that
others (people or institutions) put on us.

tends to happen until a deadline is set. If there is no deadline, we
will put something off forever. Is there anything around the house
that you were meaning to fix for the past few years (or decades)? In
these situations, implement a self-imposed deadline to finish the
activity. Commit to having it done by that date. Act as if your
life depended on getting it done. Suddenly, you will find the time
to do it.

a deadline already exists, the way to control the situation is to
create your own deadline ahead of the other one. This allows for
some leeway in case of something unforeseen. The pressure is
lessened since it is you applying it rather than someone or something
outside of yourself. Naturally, be aware of the desire to
procrastinate because you realize that your deadline is not the
"real" one. Again, approach the activity as if your life
depended upon getting it done by that date you set. You will quickly
see yourself getting more done with less stress.

Procrastination: The Silent Killer

In my studies of human development, I
found that procrastination destroys more things than any other single
element. If this habit gets out of control, it ruins marriages,
careers, relationships, and self worth. Over time, it has the
capability to grow until it completely paralyzes an individual. The
effect equally devastates the people doing the procrastinating and
all others around them.

Everyone procrastinates to a certain
degree. It is a natural human tendency to put some things off,
especially those activities we deem negative. Where this habit
becomes a problem is when it becomes the default mindset. As
children, we are inclined to do things the moment that we think of
them. The "do it now" mentality is prevalent. The concept of
time is not well formed, thus the child lives completely in the
moment. Of course, as we age, this all changes.

As we mature, we learn certain
lessons. These lessons are taught in a variety of ways. However,
the overall message is that responsible people do a lot of things
they do not enjoy. To show us how this work, most of us are given
chores to do while growing up. Tasks such as mowing the lawn, taking
out the garbage, setting the table, and doing the dishes suddenly are
assigned to us. Naturally, the desire to go out and play is stronger
than the will to do these things. The reason is playing is fun while
chores are not. It is in this way that many of us encounter our
first opportunity to procrastinate,

Obviously there is a vast difference
between putting off the mowing of the lawn and not paying the
electric bill. Yet, when we follow the progression of this deadly
habit, we clearly see how one arrives at this destination. We simply
do not start out as procrastinators. However, as the unenviable
tasks that require our attention mount in our lives, we begin to put
more and more off. It starts with the lawn. From there we develop
the practice of leaving our school assignments until the night before
they are due. This action is duplicated when given a project in the
workplace. Some of us even revel in the reputation that we gain as
being able to complete things at the last moment. Unfortunately,
many of us realize that procrastination creates a great deal of
stress in our lives.

Procrastination is a habit. Like all
other habits, it becomes ingrained in us over time. The more we
engage in it, the deeper it spreads it roots. It is not uncommon for
procrastination to completely dominate someones thought process.
Instead of having a do it now mentality, the default mindset is to
put the activity off. "Later" and "tomorrow" are commonly
uttered responses when questioned about the task being avoided.

There are two factors that drive us to
procrastinate. When simple activities are put off, laziness is the
motivator. Basically, we do not want to do it. We can complete the
tasks with ease yet just cannot seem to motivate ourselves to do it.
Fortunately, this is usually a short lived situation. Once the
motivation to act returns, the activity is quickly completed.

The other motivator is fear. Most
situations where procrastination is present is based out of this
emotion. When confronted with a task, we project into the future
negatively. Our mind focuses upon how everything will not work out
for us. This creates a degree of fear. When it is great enough, we
start to put the action off. This will occur until the pain of
putting it off is greater than the pain associated with taking the

Repeating this scenario is what causes
us to be paralyzed by procrastination. At first, only the most
difficult of tasks are avoided. However, as the habit develops, we
default to the idea of putting things off. When this point is
reached, the individual is most likely unaware of the severity of the
procrastination. It is operating at a subconscious level. The
result is the inability to take the action necessary to move forward.
While this persists, the quality of life decreases as all areas
become infected with this tendency.

Awareness is the beginning of the
overcoming of this tragic habit. Monitor those areas where you have
a tendency to procrastinate to bring a level of consciousness to your
shortcomings, Then take action to complete the task in spite of what
your mind is telling you. It is the key to success.

A Journal is the Chronicle of the Paths Your Thoughts Take

Looking at the two words Journal and Journey, it occurs to me that a journal is the chronicle of the paths your thoughts take. Since the path our lives take is greatly affected by our thoughts, it can be extremely useful to take a look at what those thoughts are and where they are going.

I have come up with a method of what I call directed journaling that I have been using for some time now, and it has helped me a great deal in defining and reaching my goals, as well as being a great tool for self discovery and making lasting life changes.

Directed Journaling

I have been writing journals off and on since childhood, and found different things to be useful at different times, depending on what I set out to accomplish. Non-directed journaling is fine if you don't have a specific goal in mind. It can be very useful for self-exploration. In Julia Cameron's, "The Artist's Way" she talks about doing "the morning pages," three hand written pages, done first thing in the morning. (More on that next issue.) That got me started journaling again a few years ago.

Then I read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and she has a wonderful thing called a gratitude journal, where you write down three things you are grateful for every evening before you go to bed. We live in the richest country in the world, yet we tend to spend so much of our time complaining and wanting what we don't have. It is incredible what thinking about what we have to be grateful for will do for your outlook on life. I believe this was my first real foray into directed journaling, and I have incorporated that idea into my own version.

From there I have experimented with several ideas from different places. Goal setting exercises often tell you to review your goals daily, so that was incorporated. To do lists are always useful, so that went into the pot as well. Over time I have come up with a set of daily exercises I have found to be very useful, so here they are.

Gratitudes Minimum 5

Goals and Dreams 3-5

Challenges and obstacles 3-5

Steps towards Goals 3-5

Accomplishments and Achievements Minimum 5

One thing learned and one good idea Minimum 1 ea.

Source for inspiration for the day Minimum 1 for 10-15 minimum

Gratitudes Minimum 5

Gratitudes are all of the things we are grateful for on our lives. Often we get so involved in all of the things we don't have that we don't remember to look around us to see the great things already within our reach. In writing down at least five things I am grateful for every day, I remind myself what a wonderful life this really is. These are the things that help me get through my day, the reasons I work hard, the things and people that I love. Writing down my gratitudes gives me a sense of well-being and purpose. It has changed my life for the better.

Goals and Dreams 3-5

Goals and Dreams are the places we want to be and the changes we want to make in our lives. I will have a more complete goal setting exercise in another issue. For now think of 5 things you want to change or bring into your life. They can be small things or great changes. Anything from performing at an open mike at the local pub to achieving financial freedom. Make them something you really want to do or be, and something you are willing to work for. Now choose one or more of these to do something about this week and use it or them for the next part.

Challenges and obstacles 3-5

Challenges and obstacles are anything that stands between you and your goals. Sometimes the greatest part of a challenge is actually defining what the challenge really is. Often we worry about things that have little or no chance of occurring. Sometimes the challenge is simply acknowledging our feelings and moving through them anyway. Other times the first challenge is just figuring out where to start. If you have a goal of learning a new skill, a challenge might be not knowing where to learn it.

Steps Towards Goals 3-5

Now find three to five steps to move you towards one or more of our goals to do today. That's right, today! (Or tomorrow if you choose to do your journaling at night.) These could be as small as finding out where and when the open mikes happen in your area to getting your resume up to date if you have decided to change jobs. If your goal was to learn a new skill then maybe you could go online or stop by your local community college or university and find out if they have classes that relate to what you would like to learn. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Large or small, start taking those steps in your own journey towards the things you really want to be doing in your life.

Accomplishments and Achievements Minimum 5

One of the things we often forget is to acknowledge the things we have done. So many times we work hard for something, then set our sites on a new goal without really spending the time to appreciate the goal we have just achieved. This can make us depressed and make motivating ourselves difficult. After all, what good is working hard to reach a goal if all it means is more work towards another goal further out? So celebrate your accomplishments, large and small. Did you make that call yesterday to find out about those classes you wanted to take? Good for you! Give yourself a pat on the back. Got that promotion you have been working so hard for? That requires a real celebration! So take the time to reflect every day on your progress. Sometimes we have no idea how far we have come until we look back at the path we have walked, one step at a time.

If you are just starting these exercises or can't think of five things you did yesterday (or today), think about some of your accomplishments of the past. Relive a time when you felt great about yourself or reached a goal you really had to work for. These can help motivate you towards the goals you set today.

One Thing Learned Minimum 1

Write down one thing you learned today, from a book, at work, from listening to tapes in your car, from a loved one at home. Everyone should learn at least one thing worth writing down every day. I think most of us do, but then we forget them again. Take one thing from your day that you don't want to lose and write it down. If you can't think of something from today or yesterday, write down one thing you remember being a bib "Ah ha!" when you did learn it.

One Good Idea Minimum 1

This can be something you got from someone else or a great idea of your own. If the idea is someone else's, write why it is important and what it means to you. If it is your own idea, spend a little time to play with it. Can you think of a way to use this idea today? Is it something that could make your work a little easier or your home life a little better? Is it something you can do right now, or is it an idea that changes how you see things? Is there someone you think might also benefit from this idea?

Source for inspiration for the day Minimum 1 for 10-15 minimum

Write down one book you will read or tape you will listen to that you feel will be a source of inspiration for your day, something to lift you above the daily grind for a few minutes and take you to a place where you feel you can be anything you wish to be. Try to carry that feeling all day long. 10-15 minutes of inspiration each morning can change your life. Try it.

I have heard several personal development gurus say that in five years you will be exactly who and what you are today except for two things: The books you read and the people you associate with. (Books on tape count, too) Think about a book or a person who changed your life. Sometimes it was the whole book or a long association, sometimes it was just one conversation or idea that made some kind of light go off in your own head and heart that changed everything. Make a point to spend at least a few minutes every day reading a good book, something really inspirational. Try a biography of someone you admire, or something on personal development. Go explore your local library.

Another great idea is what Zig Ziglar calls Automobile University. Listening to tapes in the car to and form work is a great way to improve your education and get inspiration and motivation without using time that is already earmarked for other things. Again, your local library will likely have some tapes available, and as you discover presenters you really like you can start to create and expand your own library. So take some time to expand your horizons today, and record a little of what you find in your journal.

A Journal is the Chronicle of the Paths Your Thoughts Take

Looking at the two words Journal and Journey, it occurs to me that a journal is the chronicle of the paths your thoughts take. Since the path our lives take is greatly affected by our thoughts, it can be extremely useful to take a look at what those thoughts are and where they are going.

I have come up with a method of what I call directed journaling that I have been using for some time now, and it has helped me a great deal in defining and reaching my goals, as well as being a great tool for self discovery and making lasting life changes.

Directed Journaling

I have been writing journals off and on since childhood, and found different things to be useful at different times, depending on what I set out to accomplish. Non-directed journaling is fine if you don't have a specific goal in mind. It can be very useful for self-exploration. In Julia Cameron's, "The Artist's Way" she talks about doing "the morning pages," three hand written pages, done first thing in the morning. (More on that next issue.) That got me started journaling again a few years ago.

Then I read "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach, and she has a wonderful thing called a gratitude journal, where you write down three things you are grateful for every evening before you go to bed. We live in the richest country in the world, yet we tend to spend so much of our time complaining and wanting what we don't have. It is incredible what thinking about what we have to be grateful for will do for your outlook on life. I believe this was my first real foray into directed journaling, and I have incorporated that idea into my own version.

From there I have experimented with several ideas from different places. Goal setting exercises often tell you to review your goals daily, so that was incorporated. To do lists are always useful, so that went into the pot as well. Over time I have come up with a set of daily exercises I have found to be very useful, so here they are.

Gratitudes Minimum 5

Goals and Dreams 3-5

Challenges and obstacles 3-5

Steps towards Goals 3-5

Accomplishments and Achievements Minimum 5

One thing learned and one good idea Minimum 1 ea.

Source for inspiration for the day Minimum 1 for 10-15 minimum

Gratitudes Minimum 5

Gratitudes are all of the things we are grateful for on our lives. Often we get so involved in all of the things we don't have that we don't remember to look around us to see the great things already within our reach. In writing down at least five things I am grateful for every day, I remind myself what a wonderful life this really is. These are the things that help me get through my day, the reasons I work hard, the things and people that I love. Writing down my gratitudes gives me a sense of well-being and purpose. It has changed my life for the better.

Goals and Dreams 3-5

Goals and Dreams are the places we want to be and the changes we want to make in our lives. I will have a more complete goal setting exercise in another issue. For now think of 5 things you want to change or bring into your life. They can be small things or great changes. Anything from performing at an open mike at the local pub to achieving financial freedom. Make them something you really want to do or be, and something you are willing to work for. Now choose one or more of these to do something about this week and use it or them for the next part.

Challenges and obstacles 3-5

Challenges and obstacles are anything that stands between you and your goals. Sometimes the greatest part of a challenge is actually defining what the challenge really is. Often we worry about things that have little or no chance of occurring. Sometimes the challenge is simply acknowledging our feelings and moving through them anyway. Other times the first challenge is just figuring out where to start. If you have a goal of learning a new skill, a challenge might be not knowing where to learn it.

Steps Towards Goals 3-5

Now find three to five steps to move you towards one or more of our goals to do today. That's right, today! (Or tomorrow if you choose to do your journaling at night.) These could be as small as finding out where and when the open mikes happen in your area to getting your resume up to date if you have decided to change jobs. If your goal was to learn a new skill then maybe you could go online or stop by your local community college or university and find out if they have classes that relate to what you would like to learn. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Large or small, start taking those steps in your own journey towards the things you really want to be doing in your life.

Accomplishments and Achievements Minimum 5

One of the things we often forget is to acknowledge the things we have done. So many times we work hard for something, then set our sites on a new goal without really spending the time to appreciate the goal we have just achieved. This can make us depressed and make motivating ourselves difficult. After all, what good is working hard to reach a goal if all it means is more work towards another goal further out? So celebrate your accomplishments, large and small. Did you make that call yesterday to find out about those classes you wanted to take? Good for you! Give yourself a pat on the back. Got that promotion you have been working so hard for? That requires a real celebration! So take the time to reflect every day on your progress. Sometimes we have no idea how far we have come until we look back at the path we have walked, one step at a time.

If you are just starting these exercises or can't think of five things you did yesterday (or today), think about some of your accomplishments of the past. Relive a time when you felt great about yourself or reached a goal you really had to work for. These can help motivate you towards the goals you set today.

One Thing Learned Minimum 1

Write down one thing you learned today, from a book, at work, from listening to tapes in your car, from a loved one at home. Everyone should learn at least one thing worth writing down every day. I think most of us do, but then we forget them again. Take one thing from your day that you don't want to lose and write it down. If you can't think of something from today or yesterday, write down one thing you remember being a bib "Ah ha!" when you did learn it.

One Good Idea Minimum 1

This can be something you got from someone else or a great idea of your own. If the idea is someone else's, write why it is important and what it means to you. If it is your own idea, spend a little time to play with it. Can you think of a way to use this idea today? Is it something that could make your work a little easier or your home life a little better? Is it something you can do right now, or is it an idea that changes how you see things? Is there someone you think might also benefit from this idea?

Source for inspiration for the day Minimum 1 for 10-15 minimum

Write down one book you will read or tape you will listen to that you feel will be a source of inspiration for your day, something to lift you above the daily grind for a few minutes and take you to a place where you feel you can be anything you wish to be. Try to carry that feeling all day long. 10-15 minutes of inspiration each morning can change your life. Try it.

I have heard several personal development gurus say that in five years you will be exactly who and what you are today except for two things: The books you read and the people you associate with. (Books on tape count, too) Think about a book or a person who changed your life. Sometimes it was the whole book or a long association, sometimes it was just one conversation or idea that made some kind of light go off in your own head and heart that changed everything. Make a point to spend at least a few minutes every day reading a good book, something really inspirational. Try a biography of someone you admire, or something on personal development. Go explore your local library.

Another great idea is what Zig Ziglar calls Automobile University. Listening to tapes in the car to and form work is a great way to improve your education and get inspiration and motivation without using time that is already earmarked for other things. Again, your local library will likely have some tapes available, and as you discover presenters you really like you can start to create and expand your own library. So take some time to expand your horizons today, and record a little of what you find in your journal.

Child Mind, Subconscious Mind

Many people will tell you that your subconscious mind is like a computer- you can program it by repeating certain words and it will do exactly what you want it to do.

That is great as far as it goes, but the analogy is not quite correct. The subconscious mind is more like a very precocious 7 year old child, and treating it as such will get you farther, faster than the old computer method. To explain why, let me show you the computer method first.

A computer takes in data and does exactly what it is told. The subconscious computer model says that your subconscious works in exactly the same way, except that it has so many different programs running that they sometimes conflict. With this model, what you must do is keep saying the things you want to program it with over and over again until those programs as stronger than the old tapes you want to lose. There are specific words that work better than others, and certain types of phrasing is better.

This is all correct. The best ways to program the subconscious are to use present tense, positive language, and if you learn about NLP (Nero-Linguistic Programming) or some of the other specific methods they will explain more about what words and phrases to use.

All of those methods will tell you similar things. One of those is that the subconscious doesn't understand negatives. I had a very hard time with this until one of my friends explained it this way: The subconscious doesn't really work in words, it works in pictures. So if you say, "Don't think of the Pink Elephant in the living room," what happens? You immediately get a picture of a pink elephant in your living room, stepping on your coffee table and eating the roses you just bought.

That is fine as far as it goes, but there is a little piece missing. I know that if you tell a child, (or an adult for that matter,) "I don't think you're so great. You're not somebody special. You'll never be a great person." That child does not hear, "I think you're so great. You're somebody special. You'll be a great person." So why doesn't' that work?

The missing part here is that the subconscious does work in pictures, AND it also hears emotion. A dog or cat may not understand every word you say, but they also get clues form your body language and your tone of voice. If you are loving up on your pet and crooning lovingly, "You are the ugliest pet in the whole wide world, you know that?" what your pet understands is the tone of voice and your gentle hands, not the actual words you use.

Your subconscious understands both, to some degree. That is why I suggest you think of it as a very clever 7 year old. It doesn't necessarily catch every word, because it does think in images. Yet if you think about your memories, you can remember things in different ways. You remember smells, tone of voice, colors, feelings, textures, backgrounds, all sorts of things. This is the way your subconscious works.

This is why the gurus say that when you set a goal you should think about how it will feel to achieve it, what you will be wearing, where you will be, what you will hear, ect. The more vivid you can make the image for your subconscious, the more likely it will be to take on that programming and work to get you what you want.

That is also why it sometimes seems difficult to re-program that same subconscious. Just reading new affirmations twice a day doesn't counteract the 15,000 (yes, fifteen thousand) words per minute that is our personal self-talk. You have "tapes" or thoughts running through your mind at 15,000 words/images per minute, repeating the things your subconscious has been programmed to thing about.

Trying to change these by reading affirmations twice a day is like using car breaks to stop a fully loaded locomotive. You can do it, but it takes a long time, and you can only do it if you turn the locomotive off first. If you have a battle between your conscious will and your subconscious programming, the subconscious will win every time.

So how do you change your thinking? How do you change this roaring locomotive? First, you don't try to stop it. There is no way to quiet your mind completely, although meditation and/or prayer can help a great deal. You can however change the train's direction, and that is what we really want to accomplish, anyway, right?

Those affirmations are an important part of that. Carefully chosen words that begin the reprogramming. But make it more than words. When you say them, mean them. Feel them. Tell yourself you are good, and say it with all your heart.

Affirmations need to be in the present tense. If you say, "I will be a millionaire," your subconscious hears that s something that might happen in the future, and it doesn't really pay attention. If you say, "I want to be a millionaire" then you will WANT to be one all your life. If you want to get your subconscious mind on the same page with your true desires, then the best affirmation might be, "I am a millionaire." This tells your subconscious mind exactly what state you believe you should be in, and it will do it's best to create that reality.

This won't work if you feel like you are lying to yourself, because every time you say, "I am a millionaire" your inner voice will say, "No, you're not. You are poor, you have always been poor, and you will always be poor." Some people can see and believe in a future that isn't here yet well enough to say, "I am a millionaire" with a straight face, and it works. If one of your affirmations is, "I am a millionaire" and you can't mean it because you aren't one yet, you can say, "I am becoming a millionaire, and will be one by _____." This still gives the subconscious a clear directive without feeling like you are lying.

So how do you talk to your precocious 7 year old subconscious? Do you yell at her? Do you give him confusing (and confused) commands? Do you let them play negative tapes all day long?

Jus for this week, pretend you are up for the parent of the subconscious child award, and think about what you want your inner mind listening to, and what you want it saying to and about you. If you catch yourself complaining, or saying things always go wrong, stop yourself and tell yourself that things go right for you much more often than the times they don't. What you tell yourself to do, you do. So what are you telling yourself these days?

LA Gangs, Violence, Education, and Excuses

Gang members need to escape from their "black hole" mentality, focus on bettering themselves within the existing school system, get professional help if they are addicted to drugs or alcohol, and tap into the resources that are available at local social service agencies so that they can rise out of their violent lifestyle.

Gang Violence

I recently read an article on a blog entitled "Crime and Poverty" by Matthew Yglesias that discussed gang violence in Los Angeles. One of the main points made by Mr. Yglesias was that a better school system will not stop certain tactics used by gang members for recruitment. Building on this theme, I think that something besides "more education" is needed in to significantly reduce the gang violence in LA. Sure, more education would possibly help but what about the educational opportunities that currently exist?

Are Gangs A Black Hole?

One commenter on Mr. Yglesias' blog made the following statement: "gangs are a black hole that sucks everything around them in, but that those who are in them do so because they have no other options." How accurate is this statement? Do all LA teens get sucked into gangs? Do local LA churches, social service agencies, the police, and recreation centers all get sucked into the gang's black hole? Are there really "no options" for gang members?

Lots of Excuses

I am not trying to minimize what's going on in Los Angeles regarding gang violence but it seems to me that a lot of excuses and a lot of quitting are also taking place in the streets of LA. What's stopping the teens in LA from learning something of value in school? Doesn't anyone from LA ever graduate from high school and go to college? What are the gang members' parents doing to help change the current situation? Speaking of parents, don't the parents of gang members have some responsibility in the mess that has been created? For the sake of argument, even if the parents of most gang members are divorced or separated, does this mean that children of all broken homes are destined for failure?

Poor Coping Skills

It sounds like a lot of teens in LA have terrible coping skills and are also copping out big time. When facing adversity, some people gravitate toward the quick fix, the easy way out, and to the course of least resistance while others refuse to give in, focus on positive goals, and roll up their sleeves and get to work on something productive. LA's gang violence is a striking example of what happens when people fail to look to the legitimate and traditionally accepted vehicles for advancement and mobility and instead look at "phony" and highly glorified "options."

Indeed, when teens look to self-centered sports figures, gangster rappers, thugs, criminals, and drug dealers for "guidance" that will be instrumental in their "career decisions" instead of staying in school and actually learning a trade or a skill that will lead to an honest, fulfilling living, what kind of "fallout" is to be expected? What kind of neighborhood will result?

Let's Muddy the Waters With Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

The aforementioned analysis of gang behavior was undertaken without bringing up another important consideration: until now, not one word has been mentioned about gang behavior and drug and alcohol abuse. Would it surprise anyone to learn that the teens who make up the LA gangs are heavily involved in alcohol abuse and drug addiction?


Gang violence is a complex phenomenon that needs to be addressed from a number of avenues. For instance, parents of gang members need to learn better parenting skills and gang members need to learn better coping skills. Gang members and their parents also need to quit making excuses and copping out and start taking responsibility for the deplorable living conditions they have created and perpetuated. In addition, gang members need to take advantage of the resources that are available at local social service agencies to help them rise above their violent lifestyles.

Furthermore, gang members need career counseling so that they can learn something in school that is concrete, doable, financially rewarding, and worthy of their hope for a more productive and meaningful life after they graduate. And finally, to the extent that gang members abuse alcohol and/or drugs, they need professional help if they are to avoid a lifetime of unhealthy and destructive consequences.

The Power of Persistence

A little boy has just been given a new bike by his
parents. That boy has never been on one before. But he really wanted to ride
one. So naturally he practices. The boy falls numerous times. He even scraped
his knees on the pavement. The mother seeing her child like that wanted him to
stop. But the little boy refused to do so. He practiced all the way to the
afternoon and by the end of the day, he was dirty and scraped in several
places. But the boy did learn how to ride and that was more than enough reward
for his persistence.

The power of persistence can definitely take you a long
way. Never giving up despite being in the face of so many difficulties is a
remarkable trait in a person. Most people lose heart after two or perhaps three
failures. Some even give it up even after just failing once. But what everyone
must remember is that failure is part of life. Success would not taste as sweet
if a person cannot experience failure. So instead of giving up, provide
yourself with power within and tough it out. Be persistent in reaching your

As for the goals you set, make sure they are not something
that could hurt anybody. Persistence in your part can be bad if you get to step
on others. But if it is a goal worth fighting for not only for your sake then
face all the challenges head on. The power of persistence can provide you with
greater riches and that is wealth within. Life is not all about sailing
smoothly; instead it is all about rough waters and storms. But it is not all
that bad. Well, it would be if you give up easily! But if you persevere, there
is always a reward for you. Things may not work out exactly the way you want
but it will work out.

Inner strength is needed for a person to become
persistence. This strength is all about having confidence in yourself and in
your abilities no matter what other people say. However you must also learn to
recognize your limitations and mistakes and accept all of them. This way you
can find some way to work around it and conquer all your limitations. There are
many paths to happiness but not one of them is giving up. Yes there are times
that you may have to stop what you are doing to achieve your goals but this
does not mean you cannot reach your goals.

Truly the power of persistence is great. Far are the
distances you could reach and high are the goals you can achieve. Stay strong
always, be brave, and do not lose heart in the face of failures and seemingly
impossible challenges. Life is not only about reaching a destination but also
about having fun along the journey. Challenges and failures are actually there
to make you stronger. So go on with life and persist!

Creating the Right Environment

"No man is an island." You have probably heard this saying
at one time or another. It may be such a clich� but it is true. Every person,
no matter how introverted, still reacts with others. The truth is, every person
cannot just live alone, no matter what he does. And because people interact
with others, these people around him affect what kind of person he is. In fact,
the whole environment of a person has an effect to his character. But mostly
though, it's the other people around that influence the character of each

Unfortunately, bad things can come out of this. If a child
grows in a sleazy neighborhood, chances are that child will grow to be up to no
good. This is not a generalization though, but it is a most likely situation.
If a person works in a highly stressful environment, chances are he or she will
be irritable and snappish. Fortunate are those who live in a warm and loving

This does not mean though that if you live in a
not-so-ideal environment, you cannot do something about it. If you really want
to be happy in life, work towards creating the right environment. Know the
people you interact with. Improve your inner strength by recognizing those
people that bring you down and stay away from them. If they make you behave
badly and against your beliefs, try reaching out and make them see the harm of
their actions. But if you cannot help then you better stay clear of them before
you cast away your morals entirely.

Friends are important aspects in life. However, if they
hurt you or make you do things that hurt others, then they are not really your
friends, are they? Friends are there to help you as you would help them. They
are there to share with the fun but also with the pains and challenges. If they
dessert you during hard times, then they are not worth your attention.

Creating the right environment does not only mean having
the right company. It also includes having the right space. Take your house,
for example. If it is messy, smelly, and disorderly in general, some negativity
will surely affect your character. But as mentioned, there are things you can
do to remedy this. Make sure you live in a clean environment, in a space where
it is healthy both for the body and mind. If your work is seriously bothering
you then do your best to make that environment good for you. If that would not
work, then maybe you should seriously consider finding another work place.

But probably the most important point here is that
creating the right environment starts with one's self. Be a person that is good
towards others because you too are an influence for other people. Believe in
yourself and be positive. Life is not that bad, and it would be even better if
you do your best to make it so. Create the right environment!

Transforming the Kundalini of the world

KEYWORDS: divine serpent power subtle Savitri heat light cosmos life creation propagate transform Chakras Kundalini religious rite supermen Sidhas radiance destruction selfish success soul awakening curse boon ego experiment pervasive infinite world welfare duality Advaita sensitivity desire peace brotherhood trying circumstances austerities lowliness era eternal existence Rishi energy mountain sky ancient time blind tradition belief unethical homeopathy medicine calamities

Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power) is a subtle power of Savitri which despite being all pervasive does not manifest so that one can worship it. One gross and ordinary use of Savitri Mahashakti is made in the form of heat and light. Its extraordinary usage is in creation of life. The seed principle of Savitri Shakti of the cosmos is present in the human body too. Like the 7 Chakras, 7 Dhatus, 7 Jihvas, 7 Gargs, 7 Bhuvans, 7 Ashwas, 7 Shakti flows is also understood as the 7 coloured 7 horses of the sun. With its aid the world is created, propagated and transformed.

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According to well known news through the medium of various spiritual practices only a special individual's Kundalini is awakened and with his will power, vital force can perform such tasks which can never be easily accomplished via bodily power and religious rites. In the human body there are so many infinite seed principles which when evolved can make man extraordinary. They are counted as Sidhas, Supermen, powerhouse of radiance and the very root basis of curse/boons. They perform such gigantic tasks that they can only be executed by a divine human being. Within tasks of creation and destruction he acts in such a way that it can only be called amazing.

All this was regarding individual success. Ordinarily selfishness in man always overflows. He only thinks of his own egoistic glory, merriment, daring and fame. Heaven and salvation too comes under this category. By giving curses/ boons one only augments and satisfies one's ego. In this manner Kundalini awakening amongst well known experiments comes under the banner of individual advancement only.

A coordinated Kundalini awakening is a high levelled experiment of the soul. Over here the spiritual aspirant's ego (I) does not remain narrow and limited but becomes all pervasively infinite. Whatever he does or thinks can only lead to world welfare. He also has ripened his attitude of "world is my soul" and "world is my family" and thus will utilize all his desires for world welfare only. He has nothing left with him to call his own. He who has merged duality into Advait (non-duality) has merged the lowly into the high, has converted desires into sensitivity and will think and act for world well being only. He has only one desire and that is to see blooming flowers and luscious fruits of peace and brotherhood in this garden called the world.

Whenever Devarshi Narad approached Lord Vishnu he asked only one question and that was when would worldly trying circumstances turn peaceful? The Rishis desire is "Kama ya dukha taptanam praninam artanashanam". Austerities of generous hearted saints are only for others' (world's) well being. Lowliness is ancient. It is because of the past gloomy era that man has become selfish. It was during these times that the soul spiritual practices and attainments were for satisfying individual selfish desires. Today in the area of Sidhis desires take the form of narrow mind selfishness. But one should never think that it is the be all and end all of life. Maybe as an exception, spirituality and cosmic welfare activities are alive today and even now it gives us a glimpse of its eternal existence.

In the past 3 years while taking note of the present circumstances, all the special spiritual practices executed in Shantikunj, Haridwar (India) can be called activation of national and world Kundalini (Divine Serpent Power). The radiance of fire is greatest near its vicinity. Over and above this greater the distance lesser is its heat experienced. In the same way the re-awakening of the ancient Rishi energy is taking place at Haridwar (India) near the Saptadhara area. Its influence on the nation from the viewpoint of proximity will be seen greatly and rapidly. But as the distance augments so will the influence be perceived slowly but surely. The first rays of sunrise are seen in water. In the beginning its glimpse is first seen on the peaks of mountains and upper branches of trees. Then slowly its light radiates everywhere. It spreads in the entire sky and from mountain peaks it spreads to the flat plains below. In the same way that Kundalini Mahaprajna which has been activated in these 3 years will be first seen in India. And slowly but surely it will later spread in the entire world. The transformation that will take place because of its influence will be seen in various fields in various ways. This is just not a possibility but is a definite fact. In ancient times the awakening of the world's and country's Kundalini had been achieved by Vishwamitra. Even at that time there was a total transformation of the universe. All circumstances too had transformed for the better. And henceforth this is exactly what is going to happen. The Ganges water is today being cleaned by the Govt. of India using a lot of money. Even the dirt at the base of the Manasi Ganges of Govardhan is being removed and it is being refilled with new, clean water. In the same way now is the time for us to overcome all undesirable elements in the world so as to thoroughly purify it. Our aim of Kundalini activation is for making the world live an idealistic life and is not limited to just a few individuals. The world needs to be liberated from the shackles of inethics, blind beliefs, blind traditions and undesirable elements.

How will this transformation take place? The answer is that first we shall have to uproot all the dirt of the world. In fact let any discomfort come our way, yet we will march ahead in our endeavour.

Before playing with the baby on her lap a mother has to undergo birth pains while delivering her baby and at that time the blood gets heated. While cleaning a dirty gutter a foul smell spreads in all directions. When a boil is operated upon, poisonous matter is emitted. About Homeopathy medicines it is said that it first induces inner distortions of the disease to come out of the body and then it starts curing the disease from the very roots. Before constructing a building one has to lay a firm foundation base deep down in the ground. Before dyeing cloth into various hues it has first to be cleaned thoroughly. This very activity is seen in the beginning days before the nationwide and worldwide Kundalini is activated. Without uprooting distortions, hatred, materialism, arrogance, vile ethics, bad thoughts one can never establish new thinking. Hence if in the beginning days there is some destruction witnessed, understand that a potter is first wetting the mud, battering it with a stick and with his legs is trampling it. And over and above, it gives the mud a shape of a pot on a rotating wheel. Later he also bakes the pots in hot furnaces. In neo creation of this era this very method is being utilized so as to bring about a worldwide transformation. None should despair when they see destructions and calamities in the world.

Whenever a Vaidyaraj makes priceless medicines he over and above crushing the herbs with a mortar and pestle also heats them in blazing fire. This activity seems as though the herbs are being pounded to pulp yet its results are extremely beneficial. This is the first leg of a bright future. Before a seed becomes a tree it has to rot in the ground, after that it becomes a sapling and then turns into a blooming tree bearing flowers and fruits. By removing past undesirable traditions of today's world one will have to remould it in such a way that one will get a direct vision of human glory.

Due to the onset of monsoons one sees dirt everywhere. Due to wind and rain hutments are shattered and huge buildings are razed to the ground. But in a very short time dry river beds are filled with rain water. The fields of farmers bloom with greenery everywhere. That time will correspond to the 21st century wherein one will see culture, advancement and glory of the entire world. The last 13 years of the 20th century will be full of strife and calamities. During monsoons, the walls of fields break up and there are flooding of rivers, streams etc. One should understand that the last 13 years of the 20th century were of this sort wherein dark clouds gathered in the sky, where lightning terrorized one and all and undesirable events occurred. But ultimately the dark gloomy clouds only result in good future times. Every dire situation can only give good results later.

Man works in the world. And its reaction has to be faced always. But the divine law is totally different. In it first an atmosphere is created. And thus creatures, individuals and objects are influenced by it. At their own apt time cold, heat, monsoons create their own atmosphere. One can easily see the influence of autumn and spring season. Era transformation too can be understood as a divine activity akin to seasonal changes. Here the invisible subtle atmosphere plays a major role. In it both the inert and conscious principles get affected.

The influence of the awakening of the national and world Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) will be seen when it influences inert matter, creatures, men and circumstances. Soil will become more fertile, mineral ores will augment along with the proportion of its excavation. Mineral ores will be much more in weight than what man actually requires. There will never be a lack of crude oil. Chemicals will be available in huge amounts. Human beings will not have to toil hard to grow trees, herbs etc. Due to movements in Mother Nature they will grow on their own. There will be no dearth of waterways. The herbs of forests like ancient time will again be so priceless that it will help in cures of various illnesses. Useful creatures will be on the rise and will live for a long while. Those creatures that are dangerous will not proliferate greatly and they will barely be able to save their lives. Minerals will augment in water and thus will overcome pollution. Dirt will decrease and purity will be on the rise. Natural calamities will be very rare. Due to Mother Nature becoming conducive, natural calamities like floods, famines, cyclones, typhoons etc will decrease.

Of course, man's form will remain the same as is seen today. Yet in the 21st century his inner personality at the level of the soul and psyche will be greatly transformed. Everyone will detest vile habits and the layman will never get influenced by it. They will never side with looting, crime, illegal activities, smuggling, harshness etc. When in the majority there will be an overflow of pious character, action, good nature and gentlemanliness, vile people will never misbehave and thus will fail to succeed in wicked activities. Mosquitos, flies proliferate in dirt and muck. Illegal activities and crime rates increase only when they are not firmly obstructed. When at every step it will face obstructions, objections, opposition etc., how can it ever succeed? When gentlemanly behaviour will be on the rise, vile behaviour can never raise its hood nor even dare misbehave.

People will be full of trust, independence and hard work. Hence there is no reason why situations like poverty, lack of materials etc can prevail. If man's hardworking nature and wisdom augments, why would he face a lack in any field of life? If generosity proliferates, people will take another's sorrow on their own shoulders and share their joy with others. Thus none will take revenge in anger nor will hurt anyone.

When individual selfishness and harshness proliferate it leads to imperialism, colonialism, oppression, harassment etc. along with other vile activities. As a result wars ensue and infinite people die. In reality individual egoism leads to mass destruction. In war both parties get defeated and they get into such a shattered state that they can only feebly manage to exist. As long as the fury of wars exist till then it seems as though we are invincible. But when the war fury dies down, one realizes that it was nothing but suicide. When discrimination dawns in our minds we realize that difference of opinions could be solved via dialogue or through judicial commissions. Maybe the final result could mean a loss for one party yet it is definitely more beneficial than war trauma. When this realization shall dawn in the psyche of all humans then never will there be small battles or gigantic wars.

There is so much power in human hard work along with wisdom that if it is used for creative purposes, so many material comforts can be produced. With its usage man can attain the bliss, culture and all round beauty of demi-gods. When this earth will abound with individuals treading on the path of ethics, only then will we see glory and comforts akin to heaven.

In the coming days we will definitely see such an atmosphere. Its foundation stone is being laid down by that means which is called awakening of the worldwide Kundalini Shakti (Divine Serpent Power) and in the past 3 years it has been achieved via intense austerities.

At the time of transformation heavenly circumstances will persist like Ram's rule (or Ram Rajya). It will be very appropriate to call it "Return of the Golden Age i.e. Satyug".

Wedding Gown Therapy

It had been a bad hair month, "said Beth Grading. "I had been passed over for a promotion, my best friend got a great job in San Francisco and I had a string of �no where dates'. "I felt so goofy that my bad mood lifted. I loved pacing up and down the stairs. "Studies show that visual cues can affect your emotions. If you add laughter to the mix you have a powerful combination.." Says Eli Davidson, M.A. author of Funky to Fabulous: Creating the Life You Want, Not the One You Are Stuck With (Oak Grove Press).Trot to your local thrift store or consignment store and buy wedding gown (or if that gives you the heebie geebies buy a second hand ball gown). If you have a task you dread (like cleaning your oven or preparing your taxes) put on your handy wedding gown. Your mood can't help but lift.

It's hard to take yourself as seriously when you are walking around with a six foot train of silk trailing behind you. Changing your clothes into celebration wear automatically boosts your mood.

It is a Pattern Interrupt Technique founded in the principles of Neuro Linguistic Programming. You can disrupt a bad mood by giving yourself a cheerful cue by putting on some celebration wear.

Change Your Outfit-Change Your Outlook
A wedding gown may not be the perfect thing to slip into at the office. By slipping into a different pair of shoes, or changing into a vibrant sweater, you are short circuiting a negative pattern. "By taking dominion over your behavior even in a simple act like putting on some lipstick, you are giving yourself a new cue." suggests Eli Davidson. "If I am having a dizzing day , I will go home at lunch and change my clothes. I come back to the office refreshed and redirected. ." Says Barbara Holden of Austin, Texas.
That new signal overrides the existing one and reminds you that you are the one that determines your mood. You can then more easily direct yourself in a more positive direction.

Color Me Happy
Keep an item close that is the color of happiness? Color is a powerful unconscious motivator. It is one of our fastest signaling systems. Green on the grass is great. Green growing on your hamburger is gross. Think of your favorite color and your mood will improve. "I love having tea in my orange and turquoise mug that my niece Elena made." said consultant Since there is a powerful link between color behavior and mood keeping a "happy color" close you can help short circuit your stressors.

Get Goofy
100 laughs are equal to 10 minutes of aerobics. Have some silly wear handy for when you are taking yourself too seriously. "I put a ping pong table in my design studio. Ping pong makes me giggle. Laughing makes me more creative." Olia Toporovsky of New York City. Consider keeping a goofy pair of glasses (my current favorite) for the drive to and from work.

My �Juicer Aha� Moment

A few months ago I had tea with a friend. She shared the details of her experience at a fancy spa out West which included a diet of primarily fresh- pressed juice. Looking at Teri's clear eyes and glowing radiant skin - I knew there was something to this "juicing" thing.

I did some online research of my own and Voila', a few short days later, I was soon the proud owner of a gigantic juice machine!

I juiced just about every fruit and vegetable you could think of. I made all sorts of Juice Elixirs - offering my freshly concocted and very healthy green and purple drinks to family and friends. (Hmm, somehow they weren't as excited as I was!) This was so fantastic and healthy for me, I decided to juice every day.

Well, the honeymoon phase with my juicer lasted about a month. Then my juice habit trickled down to once a week, then not at all.

What happened to the goal I was so excited about?

It fizzled because I "super-sized" my goal. In other words, I went overboard with what was reasonable and doable! Have you ever done that?

Here's the solution. In order to achieve your big important goals, be smart and create a plan that is doable AND sustainable. A plan that you can actually live with over a long period of time. Small, incremental changes can actually add up to a big, fat, gigantic return.

I hope my Juicer-Aha Moment (discovering that Juicing every day was just not a realistic and reasonable goal for me) will help you set achievable goals.

How's my Juicing situation now?

2-3 times a week is much more doable and I experience the health benefits on a consistent basis. Goal accomplished! Get "real" with yourself.

What goals do you want to achieve? Maybe it's the amount of money you'd like to earn this year... or maybe it's creating an exercise routine that that becomes part of your lifestyle instead of a short-termed phase. Use this strategy and I promise you will get better results!

The Time Diet

Almost everyone I know has been on a diet in their life. Foods of all kinds, especially sweets and fast foods, abound sometimes making it tricky to eat simply and healthy.

I venture to say that this is also true with our relationship with Time. Do you use your precious time by "filling" up on meaningless information such as the latest goings on with Lindsey Lohan? It's almost impossible to have your TV on and not get sucked into it! We take in lots of information that is absolutely useless to us! I bet you know more than a few commercial products and their 'jingles'.

Here's a great idea that will take you from saying "I don't have enough time!" to "I've got plenty of time to accomplish my goals and dreams!" Here's what to do. Starting today, go on a "Time Diet" with the intention that you will cut out all those "empty calories" that are filling up your day and your mind space with clutter.

3 Quick Time Tips to Have More Time

  1. Limit TV viewing, seriously, how many hours a day do you watch especially programs that you truly don't have an interest in? Tip: Get a Tivo and only record programs that you value and enjoy. Skip the rest.

  2. Dramatically limit your news intake. Not to step on anyone's toes here but I can think of 3 people I know who are addicted to a particular news channel. They have it on as background all day long. How many times does one need to hear the same newsflash multiple times throughout our day? Plus, the news is generally very negative. Not so great for our mental health... Be informed, but be very discerning!

  3. Limit excess information. Alot of business owners I know (I have done this too) feel that they have so much that they want and need to learn to upgrade their businesses and increase revenue that they sign up for every e-newsletter and Tele-Class that they hear about. Tip: Simplify your life and give yourself LOTS more wiggle room by being more focused. Decide what your main learning objectives are and stick with them! Picking 1 or 2 areas to learn more about (eg. marketing and sales) is plenty for right now!

With these simple tips in place, you'll find you've got more space in your day. This is a good thing. Use this new abundance of time focusing on what gives you a great return on your investment. Now you do have time to have lunch with a good friend or update your old web site. Yes, it's true; you can enjoy your life and accomplish your goals. It's so much easier when following the Time Diet!

A New Twist for Your �To-Do-List�A �Not-To-Do� List!�

If I told you that you could be happier, wealthier and wiser today and all you needed to do was one thing. Would you do it?

I'll let you in on a secret. One of the secrets to successful living is the art "letting go". Most of us are holding onto certain things in our life, unconsciously and consciously that actually keep us from experiencing the kind of life we say we want to have.

In addition to a habit of holding onto things that no longer work for us, many of us also have a habit of doing everything ourselves. We have lots of "good" reasons for doing this, such as: I don't have the money to pay for help OR Things just don't get done unless I do them OR I have high standards and I need to do it so it gets done right.

Sounding familiar? Well, these "good reasons" for doing it yourself are actually keeping you in a holding pattern and keeping you away from the success you envision.

Not smart!

You simply cannot be your best AND give your best if you are constantly caught up in "survival mode". If you are caught in this stressful cycle of frantically attempting to accomplish all those items on your To-do list you can't possibly have the time and energy to be and give your best. I suggest you create a "Not-to-Do List".

According to the ancient art of Feng Shui which is a set of guiding principles designed to create your optimal environment, one of the most important guidelines recommends that you clear your clutter. Clearing the unnecessary clutter allows for a natural and vibrant space. Create your own "Not To Do List: this list will include all of things, activities and relationships that no longer serve our best interest personally or professionally.

In order for us to have all the delicious and exciting goals and dreams that we each have, we must make sure there is enough room for them. My challenge to all of us this month, is to do a vigorous Spring Cleaning. Make the decision let go of that which no longer serves you.

Let things go.

You can do it!

Learn to delegate to others so that you free up your precious energy. The World looks forward to experiencing you at your best!

So, what will you put on your "Not-To-Do List? What will you be letting go of?

Maybe the extra 20 pounds you gained this long winter?

Perhaps deleting club memberships that take a lot of your time and energy but don't give you something valuable in return?

Will it be letting go of "toxic" relationships that create tension in your life and in your body?

I guarantee that creating and acting on this new list of "THINGS NOT TO DO" your personal and professional life will dramatically improve!

I wish you a very cleansing and productive month ahead. Cheers and continued Success to you all!