Wednesday 12 September 2007

A New Twist for Your �To-Do-List�A �Not-To-Do� List!�

If I told you that you could be happier, wealthier and wiser today and all you needed to do was one thing. Would you do it?

I'll let you in on a secret. One of the secrets to successful living is the art "letting go". Most of us are holding onto certain things in our life, unconsciously and consciously that actually keep us from experiencing the kind of life we say we want to have.

In addition to a habit of holding onto things that no longer work for us, many of us also have a habit of doing everything ourselves. We have lots of "good" reasons for doing this, such as: I don't have the money to pay for help OR Things just don't get done unless I do them OR I have high standards and I need to do it so it gets done right.

Sounding familiar? Well, these "good reasons" for doing it yourself are actually keeping you in a holding pattern and keeping you away from the success you envision.

Not smart!

You simply cannot be your best AND give your best if you are constantly caught up in "survival mode". If you are caught in this stressful cycle of frantically attempting to accomplish all those items on your To-do list you can't possibly have the time and energy to be and give your best. I suggest you create a "Not-to-Do List".

According to the ancient art of Feng Shui which is a set of guiding principles designed to create your optimal environment, one of the most important guidelines recommends that you clear your clutter. Clearing the unnecessary clutter allows for a natural and vibrant space. Create your own "Not To Do List: this list will include all of things, activities and relationships that no longer serve our best interest personally or professionally.

In order for us to have all the delicious and exciting goals and dreams that we each have, we must make sure there is enough room for them. My challenge to all of us this month, is to do a vigorous Spring Cleaning. Make the decision let go of that which no longer serves you.

Let things go.

You can do it!

Learn to delegate to others so that you free up your precious energy. The World looks forward to experiencing you at your best!

So, what will you put on your "Not-To-Do List? What will you be letting go of?

Maybe the extra 20 pounds you gained this long winter?

Perhaps deleting club memberships that take a lot of your time and energy but don't give you something valuable in return?

Will it be letting go of "toxic" relationships that create tension in your life and in your body?

I guarantee that creating and acting on this new list of "THINGS NOT TO DO" your personal and professional life will dramatically improve!

I wish you a very cleansing and productive month ahead. Cheers and continued Success to you all!

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