Tuesday 11 September 2007

There's Nothing Quite Like Getting What You Want!

The power of your imagination is truly amazing. Did you know that your brain cannot distinguish between what is "real" and what you imagine in your mind? Research shows that pairing visualization techniques with actions that support your goals is a winning combination.

Here's the process that is easy, powerful and actually very fun too. (Who couldn't use a little more fun in their lives?) James Ray, one featured expert in the movie, The Secret, shares his experience of how powerful vision boards are in helping him to create the "dream life" that he and his family live.

I've utilized vision bards, also known as "Treasure Maps" for many years. My vision boards have helped me to manifest wonderful things into my life- relationships, trips to exotic locations, prosperity, and even our beautiful home. A vision board can do the same for you. Look below for the five steps to creating a vision board.

5 Easy Steps to Creating Your Vision Board

1. Go to your local bookstore with plenty of time and an open mind (they know me by name at my Barnes & Noble). Browse the magazine section, all the way down the row - scanning the magazines.

2. Let the magazines "talk" to you. This process enables you to bypass your intellect, and let your natural instincts guide you. You will find yourself picking out various magazines, magazines you wouldn't normally read or buy. Perhaps you are drawn to Golf Digest (and you don't golf), Money (you don't have enough of this), Beading (what, I'm not the crafty type!?) and California Living. Fantastic! The key to this exercise is this: allow yourself to gather this new "information" without any judgment, self criticism, or internal editing (I can't afford this, this makes no sense, etc.) Just have fun with this exercise. Be like a kid in a candy store picking out what suits your fancy.

3. Now gather your stack of magazines (Have at least 10-12). If you're "in the money" buy them all, if not, select your favorites. Take them home for phase 2 of this exercise. Hint - Keep your old magazines for updating and creating new vision boards. Also another good tip is to visit Half Price Books and purchase past issues of magazines for very little money. Think of your magazine images as your paint and paintbrush for your canvas.

4. When you've got free time, with scissors in hand, flip and clip through the pages of your magazines letting images, headlines, and quotes "grab" your attention. What "speaks" to you? Remember your list of personal/professional goals. Look for pictures and words that provide you great imagery/visuals for that goal (e.g., a picture of a house that you'd love to live in, pictures of the Pacific Ocean, you get the idea...). Collect these images and put them into a folder. Now, review your list of your top 10 goals for this upcoming year. Select the images that depict each of your goals (e.g., a smiling woman who radiates good health is a great image to use for your goal of health and fitness, perhaps a pair of running shoes and a yoga pose really illustrate to you your personal goal. For each of your goals, find the imagery and/or quotes that really represent your goal.

5.Buy a nice, sturdy, colorful poster board (red, green and purple are great choices) and glue your images to your board. Voila! Within minutes you will have created your very own vision board. Place your vision board in full view where you can see it every day. Let your vision board serve as a delicious reminder of your goals and dreams and let it work it's "magic" by feeding your subconscious mind EXACTLY what you deserve.

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