Tuesday 11 September 2007

Discover How to Have Zero Problems in Your Life

Wouldn't it be nice to live your life effortlessly and with ease with few, if any problems showing up on your radar screen? Would you like to learn how to enter the "problem free zone", a place where you have plenty of time and energy to do what you really want without being constantly bogged down with sticky problems to fix? Thought you might be interested!

I daresay it is possible to experience the problem free zone. Really! And, no you, won't have to isolate yourself from humanity so you can create more harmony and synchronicity in your life.

At a coaching conference held in Indianapolis several years ago, I heard Thomas Leonard, founder of the coaching industry make a bold assertion. Thomas said, we, alone are responsible for the majority of problems we experience in our lives. Wow! He also coached us to take responsibility for our lives and adopt new strategies to eliminate and/or significantly reduce the number of frustrating, time consuming problems that were shoeing up in our daily lives. If you dramatically reduce the number of problems in your life, you auto automatically give yourself a reserve of energy, which you use towards those activities that inspire, motivate and give you joy. For me this idea of living in the problem free zone was an absolute revelation! I was on the edge of my seat as I listened intently to learn this skill set. I couldn't wait to free myself and my clients from the tyranny of constant problem solving. Here's what I have come to discover after learning this life changing notion:

First, in order to reduce or eliminate problems I your life, you must be willing to change and have an open-mind. Are you willing to take a good look at what habits you have that actually create static for yourself? Here are three main ways that we create problems for ourselves:

A) Need for Control- Are you in the habit of forcing certain outcomes? Do things have to be your way? Issues of gridlock and ongoing power struggles with others are probably your experience. Do you notice that you tend to the same kind of problems over and over again? There's a reason for that!

B) Self Sabotage- Because of lack of confidence and self-doubts we may stall on taking action OR inadvertently make mistakes that keep us occupied rather that accomplishing the actual goal. You may feel like you are spinning your wheels. Sound familiar?

  1. Expecting the Worst- Do you think that life is hard? No pain, no gain? These beliefs

are actually quite pervasive is our culture. Collectively we tell each other and ourselves that say nothing is easy. This negative philosophy actually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Your expectation of difficulty will be there every time, guaranteed. If your expectation is that something is going to be hard to accomplish and that there will be lots of obstacles to achieving the goal. Trust me, it will be exactly that!

So let's turn all this negativity around, shall we? We live in an incredible time in history. We have access to so many types of resources from all around the globe. The truth is that for most problems there are solutions. The Internet has contributed hugely in this regard. If you want fewer problems, then first make the assertion,I am a solution magnet! Adopt the mindset from here on out that any problem you have is masquerading as an opportunity for you to learn and grow. The solutions are readily available to you,I promise!

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