Tuesday 11 September 2007

Find Your Life Purpose

"What Am I Doing Here?" It's ironic that one of the
questions people on this planet ask themselves most is also one of the
questions that goes most unanswered. After a few years of fruitless inquiry,
many people resign themselves to never knowing their own unique Soul Vision for
this lifetime.

Most people know they are here on earth for an explicit
reason. They know they have something specific and special to bring to the
party on Planet Earth. And most people also know in their heart they will never
be truly happy or healthy until they find a way to express their signature
vibration, their unique gifts and talents�their Birth

discovered that the happiest and healthiest people on the planet are the people
who are living their dream�that is, fully expressing their Soul Vision.
Would you like to find
more purpose, prosperity and a zest in being alive? You can. By connecting to your Soul's Design!

Your soul is in charge of your life. Your soul has been
running the show from behind the stage curtain since the beginning of time. You
can become aware of the ways your soul design influences the actions of your
personality and directs the spiritual unfolding of your unique destiny. You can
uncover the brilliant strategies and scenarios of your spirit�and break free of
old patterns that keep you from having what you truly desire.

How do
you discover your Original Intention, your Heart Path? It's a lot easier than
most people think! A major key is learning to ask yourself the right questions.
A further assistance is to approach the subject from a radically new and
different angle. A third aid is a safe, supportive environment in which to ask
the questions.

The right
questions activate your soul assignment. Fresh questions spark personal
insights that have never surfaced before. Feeling safe when you ask allows you
to go deep enough to get authentic soul answers.

example, getting an insight to a question like "What is the spiritually
purpose of going bankrupt, being betrayed or losing my job?" can
reveal your Soul Vision.

You can
also use the power of peak moments of clarity you've had earlier this lifetime
to trigger the same lucidity now. Re-experiencing the vibration of these past
moments of clearness creates the same vibration of clearness in the present.
From the space of this clarity, you can receive accurate, satisfying answers to
all your life questions.

In addition, through
meditation you can intuitively identify the common thread running through the
relationships, jobs, hobbies and activities of your life. Recognizing this
theme allows you to capture the essence of your soul's expression this
lifetime. Knowing this essence is the key that unlocks the mystery of the challenges
you face this lifetime.

With this factual
information, you can restore your natural ability to recognize the people,
opportunities and activities that will lead to a soul-satisfying life. You can
get invaluable guidance on how to attract more magic, meaning and money in your

As you get clear on your Life Path, you can then align your
personality with this Soul Blueprint.
When you synchronize your actions and attitude with your Soul Blueprint, you
begin to receive all the support and love you need to fulfill your
destiny. By the Law of Spiritual
Attraction, your clarity vibrationally draws to you the resources and good
fortune to achieve your dreams.

When you harmonize your
daily life with your Soul Vision, you're also automatically in alignment with
the Soul Vision of every other person on Earth. Through natural synchronicity,
every other person on the planet will then assist you to achieve your goals and

A life journey "with soul"
is fun, exciting and fulfilling. With this new clarity, you see where you walk
in balance and where you are missing the mark. You find your own true circle of
truth. You discover the prosperity and peace in following the guidance of your
Higher Self and the Heavenly Helpers�Archangels, Spirit Guides and the Ascended

You now can answer your
Life Calling. You can uncover what you're being beckoned to do this lifetime.
And you can translate this true calling into right action. Then you move into a
new arena of personal creativity and self-expression!

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