Tuesday 11 September 2007

Meetings can be Hazardous to Your Health!

News Flash... Faithfully attending meetings may actually keep you from being as successful as you desire. Not to step on any toes here, but the truth of the matter is that meetings are potentially hazardous to your career health. Just mention the word "Meeting" and you'll here folks grumbling under their breath. So, what is it with meetings? Should we just abolish the very idea?

Obviously not. There is a time and a place for meetings. First of all, meetings do serve to get key people together and that is vital to the process of creating new concepts and products. Second, meetings can be integral to updating and amending ongoing projects. And third, meetings serve to unify your work-team. With all the potential and value meetings can offer, why is it that meetings get such a bad rap?

The Top 3 Complaints about Meetings

  1. Starting and ending late

  2. No clear purpose, agenda, or decisions made

  3. Too many individuals in attendance and/or key individuals not present

Bill Jenson, author of The Simplicity Handbook, conducted research entitled "The Search for a Simpler Way." This ongoing research project has surveyed over 1,000 companies from around the world on best practices in the corporate world. They've looked at topics such as successful leadership and time management. Research feedback from successful leaders revealed some important findings. Successful leaders report that a critical factor to their success was Time Management Skills. In addition, they also said that they attended meetings only if the meeting met specific criteria. The criteria? Meetings need to provide a clear-cut, high return on their investment of time. These successful leaders claimed that they learned the importance of time management early in their career even if it wasn't the "popular thing" to do. It takes courage to be successful!

These successful leaders know the importance of having high standards. They are vigilant about spending their time wisely. Successful people are in touch with their own personal vision, goals and priorities, and what they spend time on is an absolute match to their priorities. In what ways does this important discovery impact you? Do you find yourself at the end of the day wondering where the time went? Do you feel at times that your time is wasted on meetings and paper work that are not helpful to your goals? Take charge of your life by taking charge of your time. Do it today. Your life, your dreams, your success depend on it!

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