Tuesday 11 September 2007

How to Create Huge Breakthroughs This Year!

It's always a great idea to do periodic "check-ins" with yourself and your goals. How are you doing? Are you where you'd like to be? This nifty Breakthrough Formula will help you to identify your past successes AND become crystal clear about what you do want in the upcoming months.Enjoy the process and Carpe Diem!

1. Select a time and place so that you can be by yourself without any outside distractions.( Put Fluffy in another room, put family members on notice that you need some quiet time)) Have pen and paper on hand. Light a candle. You are about to start an exercise that will impact the quality of your year ahead. Very Inspiring!

2. Begin first by reflecting on this past year. List 25 of your accomplishments for 2006. Big and small. (eg. you discovered Mineral Makeup and your skin looks great, you participated in the Run for the Cure Marathon, you doubled your income, you moved on in a relationship that wasn't working out). Once you've created your list of 25 accomplishments. Read it out loud. Breathe deeply. Bask in the good feelings. It feels good to recognize ourselves. We don't do it nearly enough. Look at how much you've accomplished and OWN it!

3. Now, on fresh sheet of paper, create a list of 10 goals that you have for yourself for 2007.Do not edit or judge your goals. They are for your eyes only. You may choose to share some or all of these goals, but make sure you share only with people who can fully support you (no naysayers allowed ::) Blow out your candle. Take a long look at your list, then tuck it away somewhere. Plan to pull it back out next year on January 1, 2008. Imagine how fantastic you will feel to read through this list and see how many things you have manifested. This process of conscious goal setting really works.

Enjoy and be empowered by this great exercise. In the instant that you write down those 10 goals down on paper you actually begin setting the stage for manifesting them. Go forth and make it happen!

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